Sometimes I wish I could just ignore everything and spend the entire day sewing.
No cooking, no laundry, no dishes. Just cutting, sewing, and creating.
Because after a day like that? I'm a better person.
More centered, more patient, more present.
A solid day devoted to creating doesn't happen for me but once or twice a year, yet then every now and then - every so deliciously often - I draw that glorious hand and find the space.
Last weekend, in the midst of all that compost hauling and seed starting, I found one such day.
After our garden work day I decided to steal a few minutes to sew while Pete worked on some fencing out in the pasture. Just a few minutes.
Just one. Small. Project.
The next thing I knew I was hoisting open an upstairs window, and shouting to him across the valley. "Hey, Pete - I'm sewing! And I'm thinking about doing it all day long! Does that work for you?!"
(Yes, yelling.)
He returned a big thumb's up and went back to his fencing; I went back to my Grandma's sewing machine.
For the rest of the day, with a few breaks for cooking and other semi-vital tasks, I sewed.
It was heaven.
As for projects, I managed two that were small and simple enough to crank out in a hurry.
First a new wallet for myself, using the same pattern I did for my last wallet made back in 2011.
The old one reached the level of filth that no amount of laundering could help. It was time.
And I love how quick, simple, and sweet this design is. (You can find the pattern here if you are interested in making one, too.)
Next up was a birthday crown (based on my own pattern) for a sweet one year-old who's first birthday celebration we were attending the day after my sewing marathon.
Crown making is so addictive for me. If I had another large piece or two of wool felt on hand I suspect I would have made more. But my felt stash is pretty slim so - randomly and without warning - a few little bunnies started taking shape.
Yes. I'm busy making dolls again! What a treat it is.
I'm not sure what it is about making dolls but I can sew them until my hands stop working properly.
I love watching wool and cloth come to life with a few careful stitches.
Each doll has it's own personality and I love to wonder at where they will end up after the last knot it tied.
These dolls were extra special because I cleaned and carded wool from our sheep Poppy and used it for their stuffing. I loved that layer of significance for this little farm.
These bunnies are based entirely off of my Snuggle Doll sewing pattern but with a reinvented hood.
They remind me a little of overgrown Peeps, but sweet without the white sugar and food coloring. Peeple! Heh.
And? I love them.
Lupine loves them. (She already slipped the bottom bunny in the photo above out of my work basket and is begging to keep her.)
And if, perhaps, you or your little person loves them, too, I have three of them listed in my Etsy shop, to ship out this week and arrive in time for your Easter celebration.
What sort of creative work do you try to carve out time for?
What's in your workbasket now, or what are you craving time to create?