A package arrived at our farm a few days ago. Inside was the promise of a brand new farm flock.
These little lovelies? They are Coturnix quail, a domestic quail kept for eggs, meat, and milk.
(No, silly. Not milk! I just wanted to see if you were paying attention.)
Eggs and meat!
We're all for diversity on our farm. And since we discovered Lupine has an egg sensitivity she's misses eggs now and again. So when we read that quail eggs can be a great substitute for people who can't eat other eggs - and even healing for people with digestive issues - we were sold.
We look forward to testing the theory, one teensy little fairy-sized fried egg at a time.
They are supposed to be easy to keep and start laying one egg per day by the time they are 6-8 weeks old.
And so we've nestled the eggs into a borrowed incubator (with a few random chicken eggs we decided to hatch out) and if we've done things right (fingers crossed) we'll have quail chicks in just 17 days.
I'll keep you posted!