I believe that cultivating gratitude can transform not only how we view our (beautiful yet deeply imperfect) lives, but transforms our lives themselves.
Each week I will share with you seven things that I am thankful for.
I'd love to have you join me in your own post or simply here in the comments.
Because taking just a moment to appreciate what we have can change everything.
Today I'm thankful for...
1. a deeper relationship with our food than I've ever had before, after butchering fifty chickens yesterday. (Yes. Butchering. Chickens. Just Pete and I. {exhale});
2. a schedule full to overflowing with good, real, hard work that leaves me tired and thankful each night;
3. a new flock of sheep that will soon arrive at our farm;
4. an early morning alone to write before the sun even rises;
5. the smell of chicken stock simmering away, perhaps more nourishing because of the mindful work that put it in our larder;
6. connection - to people, to places, to our food;
and 7. abundance. Of every sort.
Link up to a post of your own in the comments, or simply leave your list there. I look forward to seeing what ordinary, extraordinary blessings you're counting today.