Yesterday I found myself inexplicably edgy. Grumpy, jumpy, terse, and sour.
So I did what any reasonable person would do in this state.
I mixed up a batch of gigantic bubble juice, made some bubble wands with my kids, and got over myself.
I laughed. I played. I watched my kids laugh and play.
In short, I got a much needed attitude adjustment. Because with six to eight foot bubbles floating across my yard - well, I couldn't stay crabby even if I wanted to.
And it didn't cost us a penny. Our supplies list was scavenged up between our basement and our workshop, our kitchen and our brush pile.
Insane, super-sized bubble fun.
And a cure for crabbiness no less.
We ended up making a dozen of the wands in the afternoon to take to our homeschooling potluck. And they were a hit! By the end of the night a full gallon of bubble juice was gone and I think everyone had as much fun as we did making bubbles.
I suggest you stop whatever you had planned for today and do this instead.
Especially if you're grouchy.
Here's how.
Make Your Wand
All you need are two sticks (any size), two screw eyes (any size - ours were around this big - afflink), a washer or other smooth weight (any size), and some yarn (any kind). See how flexible this is?
You could replace the sticks with purchased dowels but I ask: why uses dowels when you have sticks? Because sticks are free. And they grow in your yard. (Or your neighbors yard...)
Cut two branches, trimming off any side branches or pokie bits. Shoot for around 12" to 24".
In one end of each branch attach a screw eye. (I pre-drilled my holes with a small drill bit to make this easier.)
Cut a length of kitchen twine or yarn (mine was cotton) approximately 6' long and thread through your sticks and your washer. Tie with an overhand knot anywhere you like.
Make some bubbles!
First, make your bubble juice.
I used this recipe. It was fantastic. My favorite recipe yet.
You can also use my more basic recipe if you don't have some of her ingredients, like corn starch or glycerin.
(A note about dish soap: I have tried making bubbles with more natural dish soap to no avail. These babies are Dawn, all the way. We don't use it on our dishes, but for bubbles we keep it on hand.)
Second, dip your string.
Hold the screw-eye and yarn ends of your two sticks together.
Completely submerge the yarn in the bubble juice. (The first dip is the fussiest.)
Lift the wand slowly from the juice, then separate the sticks to open the yarn loop.
Walk slowly backward into the wind and watch your bubbles soar!
You can encourage smaller, (thought still huge!) bubbles to break off and fly free by bringing the yarn loop back together to snip off a bubble here and there.
The bubble below floated clear over our house and was bigger than the biggest watermelon.
Note: if your bubble juice gets frothy on the top from use give it a few minutes to settle down. It works best without foam. Also, one wand in the juice at a time unless you want to spend your time untangling bubble wand strings.
And if you or your kids love to learn about how things work, check out this explanation of bubbles. It was fascinating to my kids.
P.S. For younger kids the handmade bubble wand tutorial I wrote here is the best. So beautiful and fun.