After a long, dark spring the sun is shining once again.
To celebrate, I sewed a new sunhat for each of my kids last week.
Sage's is identical to the one I made for him when he was seven. (That boy knows what he likes!)
Lupine's is a spunky, patchwork incarnation of the same pattern.
To modify the pattern for Lupine that I originally designed for her brother, I mixed up the colors and added a narrow patchwork strip to the side.
The patchwork is my favorite small detail on this hat. It is a simple addition, but takes the hat to a different level of cuteness. I created it with scraps from her baby sling and several outfits I've sewn for her. It also allowed us to use a favorite but barely too-short fabric for the main hat piece.
She is thrilled with it and proudly announces what each fabric was from when she shows it off.
The hat is reversible and lined in a single print (from another mama-made outfit), so it's two hats in one!
Want to make your own? Of course! The pattern and instructions are below. I've simplified them a bit since I first shared this pattern, including PDF files that should be easier for you to print to scale.
Summer Sunhat for Girls & Boys
- Pattern - three pieces (below). To print, follow the instructions below.
- Outer fabric
- Lining fabric
- Timtex or other stiff interfacing for brim (afflink)
- Matching thread
All sewing was done with a 1/2 inch seam allowance. This is sized for my 6-8 year old. Adjust as needed to fit a younger or older child.
1. Print out pattern pieces.
To print, click on the PDF files below.
Save files to your desktop.
Open and print each file without scaling. (The Sunhat Crown should measure 7 3/8" across.)
2. Cut Fabric.
You will need to cut the following pieces:
Sunhat Band (No pattern piece. Rectangle 21.5" x 4")
Cut two (one lining, one outer fabric). This can be a sold fabric or pieced fabric as shown above.
To add a patchwork band as above, cut your main fabric rectangle 20" long. Sew a 2" wide patchwork band that is 4" tall. Join patchwork and main color and trim to size.
Sunhat Brim
Cut three (two outer fabric, one interfacing.) Note: When you cut out your paper pattern fold and cut so you have the entire 1/2 moon. I only copied down 1/2 of the pattern to make it fit on a single sheet.
Sunhat Crown
Cut two (one lining, one outer fabric)
3. Sew Brim
Cut interfacing brim down by 1/2 inch on all sides.
Sew outer curved edge of brim, right sides together.
Turn and press.
Insert interfacing and trim if needed to fit smoothly inside.
Top stitch outer curve through all layers to hold interfacing in place.
Sew Crown
Fold hat band so that the short ends line up (right sides together), creating a flattened cylinder. Sew.
Pin cylinder shape carefully to hat top (also right sides together). Sew.
Turn right side out and press.
Repeat with lining.
Pin brim to hat, centered opposite of back seam with top side of brim flat against front of hat (it will look like someone flipped the brim up, 1980's grade school style). If you added a patchwork detail, align this with the edge of the brim or however you like it best.
Sew into place and flip down. It should be starting to look like a hat now!
Press under 1/2" on bottom edge of hat and hat lining.
Insert hat lining into outer fabric hat and top stitch together very close to the edge.
You did it! Bravo, friend.