A very happy Halloween to you from our family. (The evil fairy princess, the impromptu gnome and hipster, and the shadow.)
From my sweet little town where apple cider is served to excited trick-or-treaters who - amazingly - slow down and embrace the stillness as they wait in patience and gratitude for their cup.
Oh my goodness I love this place.
From my community, where the costumes are mostly kid-made. (I counted no less than six wool felt masks, hats, or crowns at one stop alone. Okay, Lupine and I were two of the six but still. These kids are seriously rad.)
And from me. The dork in the gnome hat (sewn spontaneously in the ten minutes before we left for our celebration). Because I'm never too old to dress up for Halloween.
And with that, I think it's time to extinguish the pumpkins and call it a night. Sweet dreams everyone.
Edited this moring to ask: did you invite the Pumpkin Fairy this year? I'd love to hear how it went!