Almost a year ago I found a vintage new-in-the-box Gocco at a thrift store.
I squealed, then danced around in the isle embarrassing my children who could not understand why that cheesy cardboard box full of craft supplies was so thrilling to me.
It was $3.50.
When I told a friend about it she told me she had paid ten times that much for hers not two years before. Yup. Total score.
I kept stalling on using it. I had only five screens and didn't want to squander my resources. So there it sat. For a year.
Also, I was a little baffled on how to use it until I found this delightful video on Youtube. As a visual learner, that video changed everything. I didn't even need the manual anymore.
Last week Sage and I decided that we'd give it a go making invitations for his birthday party. I drew the card, he burned the screen and printed the invitations.
And I am so hooked.
The heart-break is that Gocco no longer manufactures supplies. Meaning this little honey might have a shorter life than I'd like. But there are supplies out there. I just might need to hoard some.
Do you Gocco?