The kids work up and started their morning bickering. They do it most mornings, just a bit of grumpies while they wake up. It's never about anything of consequence: what flavor smoothie they want, who's hogging the heater, etc.
Today I wanted peace. Based on yesterday's post, I pulled out a wild card.
Me: "Hey kids, did you know that today is a holiday? It's called The Nicest Day!"
Sage (skeptical): "I don't know..."
Me: "Really. It's a special day where you're nice as can be to everyone."
Sage: "I think you're telling tall tales, mama..."
Me: "Well what if it's real? How fun would that be?"
We'll see how this goes. Cross your fingers.
Edited five minutes later: it backfired for a minute, but now I think they're on board. Sage is helping Lupine get dressed and they're both being rather sun-shiney. We might have this holiday everyday...
Edited again, two minutes after that: I just got a shoulder rub. And Lupine is putting away her pajamas. Amazing...
Edited an hour later: Not sure this is going to work. Much bickering has resumed. We'll keep trying...
Edited 10 minutes later: Okay. Back on track. Rhyming about "underwear" together while folding laundry. Hope is still alive. Will it stick? We shall see.