Sometimes life (and home) is pretty. Sometimes it is not.
The stuff that we draw in. The projects. The potential. The clutter. Are you drowning in it? I am. My office (where I write these posts to you) is part lovely orangeness-and-magic-and-light and part crafty-chaos. The things - they are everywhere.
If I'm honest I would confide that it has gotten a little ugly around here. Formerly serene, orderly, and downright photogenic spaces have become tattered, cluttered, and chaotic.
Our home has unraveled a bit and it's wearing on me.
Inspired by one reader's pledge to get organized in 2012, I have decided to do the same. It's time. I need to breathe some life into simplicity again.
If you remember my burst of simplification last winter you know I take it pretty seriously. But time passes and chaos inevitably returns (at least around here) and we find ourselves with too many napkins and socks and books and toys knickknacks once more.
Let's move it out.
I know an inspiring feng shui consultant who offers these wise words: everything has chi. Every pencil, every paperclip, every thing. Whether it is in your basement or your storage space or your dresser drawer or your mother's house - everything you own has energy.
What's your energy?
If you look through my medicine cabinet my energy is disorder, chaos, and abandonment. If you must know, the same could be assumed if you look in my refrigerator, garage, knitting basket, or linen closet.
Do I choose my energy to be incompletion, chaos, and clutter? Or do I choose my energy to be bright, clear, authentic, and kind? I choose the latter. And the photos above aren't telling that story. (In fact, they're downright scary. I'm surprised I decided to share them with you at all. You would think those sheets aren't even folded. But I swear they are. Or they were...)
Yes. It's time to get to work.
What about you?
Are you ready to experience a transformation? Are you ready to move out of your life everything that is not useful or beautiful or otherwise authentically important to your heart? I certainly am.
Who will join me? I'm formulating a plan and I'd love to fellow travelers on this road to Awesomeville.
Who's in?