Finding gratitude today for...
The cold. Last night was the first frost of the season. Waking to see the garden laid out by a thick frost was delightful. I know. Strange. But it's time and I appreciate the continuous turning of the seasons. I'm ready for the next rhythm.
The warmth. A fire burning in the fireplace. The light, the smell, the heat. A quilt on my lap, and a kid on each side. Oh, yeah.
This yarn. Seeing progress on this knitting project (size 2 needles!). This is Lupine's birthday sweater (Ravelry link here) and the progress is slow, but it's happening. Row by row... I have 2 1/2 weeks until her birthday and miles of stitches to go. But the focus is good for me right now.
These herbs. We're taking a lot of herbs these days as we work on some serious natural immunity. (More on that next week.) I'm so happy to have bags of thyme, sage, pine needles, and other herbs to help us stay strong on our path towards wellness.
And you. Yes, you. I'm thankful for those of you who come here day after day, week after week to read. Most of you are quiet, some of you I feel I know well from your voice in the comments. I love heading from you, and I love seeing points on the map from Hawaii, Alaska, and Nova Scotia to France, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia, Costa Rica, Columbia, Mexico, and so many points between. Thanks for sharing this journey with me.
What are you grateful for this day? I'd love to hear from you.