Oh, knitting. After casting off all my last two projects I've been itching to get back to the needles. But with all the painting and purging I haven't seen much time with yarn in my hands. With the exception of a few rows at bedtime my knitting is on hold, I tell you. But progress is being made in so many corners of my home I don't miss it a bit. Yesterday I tackled a project I've been looking forward to for a few weeks.
I want to utilize what I have on hand. I'm not interested in investing in any more stuff, and I don't want little stashes of this-and-that-that-may-be-useful-some-day cluttering up my world. I want it to all be useful now our it can head out the door.
Enter my picture frame stash. I've had one for as long as I can remember, treasures I've picked up from second hand stores and rummage sales, even a few from a neighbor's curbside free box. They were mixy-matchy and so most sat unused for years. After seeing a friend's family photo wall I got the idea of unifying the frames I already had with a coat of silver paint.
The project was easy-peasy and the result is delightful. It took me one evening and a bit of the following afternoon. I suppose it could take longer, but I suggest you leave your perfectionist at the door and crank it out fast.
I gathered my frames and tallied up how many I had of each size. I ordered printed in the appropriate sizes. I set my silver metal frames aside.
I gathered up the wooden frames for painting. Some needed dusting but I didn't prep them beyond wiping them on my pant leg. Here they are before. (Not so cute together, but some good lines.)
And here they are after. Black and white frames, maple and oak, painted and stained, brought together by a quick coat of paint. (I bought two different silver paints so that the metal ones wouldn't look out-of-place among the unified painted frames so we have a few shades of silver going on here.)
After the paint was dry I cleaned the glass and inserted photos. I laid them out on my bed until I was pleased with the arrangement, then moved them one-by-one to a blank hallway wall.
Ta da! All told I spend about $20 on prints and $15 on paint. All the frames were "free" as I had them on hand. And now? No frames cluttering my basement and a pretty sweet reminder of my lovely family. That sounds like a double-win if you ask me.