There is a new baby on the block. Two doors down my friend just had her second child and her first homebirth. The neighbor between us might be wondering what's happened to the neighborhood (Lupine was born at home here as well). Truly, I think she loves the unconventionality of it all (in our society anyway).
A new baby means there is a new big sister on the block too - a spunky 4 1/2 year old whom we adore. Sage was nearly 4 1/2 when Lupine was born, and I love watching older kids transition for the first time into becoming a truly big sibling.
So we made these Big Sister Clips our first priority. We make loads of two-dimensional felt clips around here, but these were inspired by some I found over here a long time ago. Amazingly I never saw the tutorial until I posted the link. Going from one quick glance weeks ago and then flying by the seat of my pants I'd say I nailed it.
Lupine was thrilled to model them and is begging for her own collection.
And for the baby? We did a quick embellishment to an organic baby cap with a few yoyos and vintage buttons. Sweet without being overtly girlie.
The mama got a nice stash of LuSa goodies and for the papa I mixed up a gin and homemade tonic. (I know. Gin and tonic isn't exactly a wholesome gift for a parent with a new baby, but the papas really hold the whole gig together when the new babies arrive and I thought he'd appreciate it. And I'm so stoked to be making my own preservative-free tonic that I want to give it to the mail carrier. Hmmm... or maybe that neighbor I mentioned earlier?)
What's in your craft basket this week?