There are two bulletin boards hanging in our house. One is mounted high, one is mounted low. What you find on the boards varies by week, depending on what we are focused on. These are our Manifestation Boards. The low one belongs to the kids, the high board is Pete's and mine.
On these boards we pin words or pictures of what we want to attract in to our lives. Strength, peace, a vacation, love, money, laughter - the good stuff.
We have loved this idea for some time but three years ago decided to hang a Manifestation Board on the wall as a reminder to consciously create this life. Conscious creation is how we got this far, but we were forgetting to manifest and were getting bogged down in the day-to-day. The board hung empty on the wall for weeks as we kept busy with a four-year old, a newborn, a new business, and a new home.
That blank board was bothering me. "What are we manifesting?" I asked Pete one day. We needed something on there. I saw a catalog on our desk and halfheartedly cut out a picture of a pair of shoes. I wanted something on that board and those shoes were a start.
The phone rang. It was the new long-distance girlfriend of our housemate. "What size shoes do you wear?" she asked. I told her my size. "The next time I visit I have a pair of shoes for you," she said.
A week later she showed up holding the exact pair of shoes that was on our manifestation board. I laughed as I led her across the room to the Manifestation Board. I took the picture off of the board as I said "Thanks!" We all thought it was amazing, easy, and awesome. More of this visioning was a no-brainer.
We quickly filled the board with the things that matter even more than some great new shoes and have watched as they arrive into our lives, day after day.
Among other things the kids board has pictures of a microscope, deep snow, canoeing, and ice cream. Instilling in my children the belief that we can get to choose our life path is an important one. I want my children to know (as I want to know myself) that there are no limits to where they can go, no limits to the joy that they can achieve.
I talked a bit about manifestation here too and included a couple of links that might be of interest to you.
Happy manifesting!