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March 02, 2010


Welcome! I'm Rachel Wolf. You'll find me here sharing my thoughts on living a more present and joyful life, despite the chaos swirling around us. I believe in embracing imperfection, living an authentic life, and savoring every drop of these fleeting days.

No, you won't find me feeding into the myth of perfection, but you can count on me to show up real and raw with lessons and beauty that I find in the ordinary.

I'm an interest-led homeschooler of a teen and a ten year old, and the owner of LüSa Organics. Together with my kids and husband Pete I live on a small, scruffy farm in the Wisconsin hills. Kick off your shoes and stay a while!


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Thank you for supporting LüSa Organics, my small family business. It makes my writing here possible.

A few favorites from or family's bookshelf.

@lusa_mama on Instagram

@lusa_organics on Instagram