This post should be titled wabi-sabi craft: making window stars in our world.
Yes, these stars are imperfect. Yes, the scenery behind them is less than beautiful. Yes, my windows are filthy.
But whatever. The stars are still breathtaking.
Would you believe that they are simple to make?
We begin by folding kite paper according to some basic instructions. We have this book with many different patterns, but you can find clear instructions here for a basic star (like the blue one that Sage made below).
Fold carefully, attach points with glue stick, and hang. That is it! The kids and I enjoy making these thorough the winter. Sage has started to take creative license with the designs and mix it up with extra components.
And the cat? Happy for any sunshine these cold days (be it paper or real).
Please ignore his missing ear. He's my wabi-sabi cat.
Edited: I've gotten lots of emails asking where we get our kite paper. We buy ours locally from an online Waldorf supply store, Paper Scissors Stone. Click on their "Paper" page and scroll down.