"Lavender" is the latest baby in our home. After I made this baby for Craft Hope Sage was determined to talk me into one for him.
It didn't take much talking into. He was sleeping with her unfinished head that very night and head plus body the next.
He wanted her to be small ("sleeping-with size") with reddish brown hair and hazel eyes. I made her with jointed arms and a traditional Waldorf doll body. (This will be my go-to body form from now own. So sweet.) Sage helped me with the head and the nose and sewed on the mouth himself. Her neck is a little wrinkly for my liking but whatever. We love her.
She is stuffed her with a combination of wool and organic lavender. She smells delicious. (Which at our house borders on the absurd. We are surrounded by gallons upon gallons of essential oils here, living at LuSa Organics headquarters. The bank ladies fight for who gets to enter our deposits because we "have the best smelling checks".)
Tomorrow? We're making clothes.
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