Over the years we've built many wonderful traditions in our family. Halloween is no exception. We celebrate with part family tradition, part local tradition, and a bit of good ol' American gluttony.
This year Lupine chose to be a bluebird. It wasn't much of a stretch, as her birthname is Lupine Bluebird Wolf, and she has claimed the name since she was barely two ("No me Lupine. Me Bluebird.") Sage, who loves the darkness of halloween was transformed into a vampire.
The hat was based off of a free Ravelry pattern called the "Wee Balaclava". I knitted the beak free-form and embroidered on the eyes. It will serve as her everyday winter hat this year as well.
Sage created his own costume in its entirety, save the bat wings that he asked me to sew. I love watching him grow into his own authentic person and create from the ideas in his mind.
The opportunity to have a bit of food coloring- and corn syrup-free Halloween fun, combined with community connection is one the the blessings of living where we do. After the Enchanted Forest Walk we take to the streets for trick-or-treating. Our town is small, so we see many friends as we travel our two block route.
After returning home we eat some sweets and choose a few candies to keep. The rest we leave for the Pumpkin Fairy. We read a Samhain story from Circle Round, then the children place an apple in their windowsill for Grandfather Deer (a character in the story). By morning The Pumpkin Fairy has worked her magic and the candy has been transformed by into a small treasure for each child. The apples, of course, are gone - taken away by Grandfather Deer on his journey to the Isle of Apples.
With each season we carve out a bit more or our family's traditions. It is grounding to know the rhythm and customs that each season brings, and we appreciate the new magic that comes with the cycling seasons.
And what about you? What traditions does your family look forward to? (Share a favorite or two in the comments field. You might just inspire another family with a wonderful new tradition.)